By signing the waiver you agree to the terms and conditions written below.
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Assumption of Risk Waiver of Liability Indemnification Agreement
PRIME Athletic Center and PRIME Athletic Events (hereafter referred to as PRIME) is a company that provides an athletic space for youth and adult sport participation, and organizes in-house youth and adult soccer activities. Opportunities include clinic, league and tournament play; individual and group practice; pick-up games; field rental; and corporate events.
Some of the many benefits of PRIME activities include opportunity to compete and excel, improved self-confidence, better health, improved fitness, increased sense of belonging, wholesome recreation, social interaction, weight loss, improved appearance, and improved self-image. The exertion level of all sports – including soccer – is moderate to strenuous, depending upon the motivation of the individual.
While the many benefits of these activities are apparent, PRIME and its staff regard participant safety as a top priority and feel it is important that the PARTICIPANT/PARENT (which refers to either an Adult Participant OR a Minor Participant and Parents/Guardians) understand that there are risks inherent in all physical activity. PRIME takes great care to reduce the risks (e.g., establishment of safety rules and warnings; referees at all league and tournament games; supervision of parties and corporate events) associated with soccer and other sport activities. PRIME, however, does not supervise individual activity and activity on rented fields.
However, regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries, some risks are inherent in all sport activities and cannot be totally eliminated. A few examples of the many inherent risks include, but are not limited to, heat- or cold-related illnesses; over-exertion; imperfect playing surfaces; failure to adhere to posted rules or warnings; careless, erratic, or negligent actions of co-participants; collisions with objects or co-participants; falls to the playing surface; unexpected equipment failure or malfunction; being struck by a ball; being kicked or bumped; ability of the participant to play; and, careless or erratic actions by children at parties.
PRIME feels that it is important that the PARTICIPANT/PARENT understand that three types of injuries can occur. Minor injuries are the most common and include, but are not limited to, muscle soreness, headaches, sprains, abrasions, and bruises. Serious injuries are less common, but do occur occasionally. They include, but are not limited to, broken bones, concussions, torn ligaments or cartilage, eye injuries, cuts, and internal injuries. Catastrophic injuries are very rare; but PRIME feels that every PARTICIPANT/PARENT should be aware of the slight possibility. These injuries include, but are not limited to, permanent disability, brain injury, paralysis and even death.
Assumption of Inherent Risks: I, the PARTICIPANT/PARENT, understand that all activities of PRIME include inherent risks that cannot be totally eliminated regardless of the care taken by PRIME I, the PARTICIPANT/PARENT, have read the preceding paragraphs and
Understand, and
Appreciate the types of injuries inherent in PRIME activities
I, the PARTICIPANT/PARENT, hereby assert that participation is voluntary and the PARTICIPANT/PARENT knowingly assume all inherent risks of the activity, today and on all future dates.